Mindfulness Meditation is the foundation of every other meditation practice, but it is the one that is most often ignored, forgotten, skipped out on, or even assumed that people are already using on their own and know well.  

This Mindfulness Tune-Up package will help you learn (or re-learn!) what Mindfulness meditation is, how it can enhance your other meditation practices, and how you can do it, RIGHT NOW, from the comfort of your own home.  

What’s included?     

5 videos, and 1 additional Audio track on:

  • What is Mindfulness Meditation
  • How to Sit for Meditation
  • How to (Really) Sit for Meditation
  • Meditation Myth Buster
  • The Mindfulness Meditation Practice (video and audio) 

Thank you for joining me here in my online School of Sound Wisdom. May you find a little more of the "extraordinary in the ordinary," through this Mindfulness Tune Up!

Peaceful Vibrations,  

Shannon Rose Scott

"As a yogi rebel, I LOVE breaking the (ridiculous and unnecessary) rules that most often get in the way of people beginning or continuing, their meditation practice."

- Shannon Rose Scott

Course Curriculum

  1. What is Mindfulness, How To Sit, Meditation Myths, and other fun stuff. ;)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Mindfulness Meditation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Wrap Up
Available in days
days after you enroll

Hi, I’m Shannon,

I'm a Sound Alchemist, Yogi, and Sacred Sound Yoga practitioner, Teacher, and Teacher trainer.

I'm offering you this FREE Mindfulness Tune-Up kit, because I believe that mindfulness is the KEY to all other spiritual practices - meditation - movement - mantra - sound....... it all begins with Mindfulness.

Mindfulness is not the absence of thoughts - it is the PURE AWARENESS of thought....

Awareness of thought, of body, of emotion, of your surroundings, of your experiences, of EVERYTHING.

Mindfulness adds more COLOUR, LIFE, and MUSIC to your world!!!!

Come join my Online School of Sound Wisdom, and learn to tune in to your OWN INNER SOUND.

Cost of this program? It's FREE!